Essay on Friction


Essay on Friction

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Essay on Friction Sample (Excerpt)

Many of the supporters of the bi-racial system have held the belief that such an arrangement would lessen the friction between the races. Aside from any moral judgment in regard to it, racial prejudice is a fact. It is most intense in the ignorant classes and becomes particularly active in the event of economic competition. By keeping the masses of the two races apart in many or most of their activities, thus avoiding individual competition and occasions for friction, it was believed that harmonious and friendly relations could be more easily maintained. Other persons, chiefly Negroes, have advocated a racial solidarity and stimulated its growth as the most effective means for opposing the discrimination of the whites. They look forward to conflict between the races as inevitable and when it comes a high degree of solidarity will be racially advantageous. Again, it is believed by many who do not anticipate a racial war that a self-conscious racial unity will make it possible for the race to present a united front in the struggle against discrimination and injustice. Acting as a group they will be able to exert a political and moral power and get consideration not obtainable by the individuals acting in their several capacities. Police protection, political recognition, economic equality, housing reform, sanitary measures and the like may be secured if at all by group action. The size and complexity of modern society is such as to make impossible the participation of the great number of individuals as individuals: they must participate, if at all, in the general affairs of the city, state, and nation through the deliberations of local, occupational, or racial groups. Only by separate racial organization and unity of action is it possible for them to make their influence felt in the determination of national policies and practices.

Many advocates of the bi-racial arrangement anticipate as a result of racial unity and self-consciousness that the Negro people will be able to make a distinctive contribution to American and world culture. They are frequently exhorted by both Negro and white men of prominence to develop a culture of their own. They are advised to be the best possible black men rather than imitations of white men. They are told to publish their own papers, write their own books, preach their own sermons, teach their own children, organize their own societies, and otherwise develop an independent culture complex. The underlying thought seems to be that the Negroes have special racial needs and capacities; so instead of assimilating and sharing the culture facts of white American life they should produce new culture facts, values of independent Negro invention.

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