Summarize an Essay


Summarize an Essay: Tips and Advices   

To summarize an essay in a proper way you have to follow some definite requirements for summarizing essay. Read the following tips, rules, and advices I you need help when you summarize an essay. The first rule is to read the entire essay from the very beginning to the end. Some students make a common mistake while summarizing essays.

This mistake is as follows: they think that while summarizing essay it is not necessary to read the whole text; that one can just read the introduction part, and that is it. Well, there is a bit of sense in this believe, but still far not all the ideas written in the essay presented in its introductory part. That is why it is but necessary to read the whole essay in order to summarize an essay in the full-fledged way.        

  • The second step you have to make is to ask yourself what the essay is aimed on and what the essay wants to tell you. If you percept the topic and the aim of essay correctly, summarizing essay will not take you long. 
  • After you have got the friendship with the topic and sense of essay you have to identify the theses of the essay you have to summarize. Summarizing essay presupposes dealing with the theses of the essay, as they contain the main sense of the whole text.
  • After you managed to identify the theses while summarizing essays, it is the quite time to look for the arguments, which support the above-mentioned theses. 
  • You have to mention several examples taken from the essay when you summarize an essay. However, several examples will be enough. Do not write too many examples, as you are just summarizing essay and not rewriting it.
  • After you have written all the above-mentioned items when you summarize an essay, you have to finish it with the help of any sentence taken from the concluding part. Make it be logical and contain all the main ideas written in the essay.

Do not mix up two notions such as summarize an essay or making a review of essay. Summarizing essay does not demand from you to write whether the essay is written in the proper way or there are some weak points in it. You have to analyze the essay only if you are engaged into the essay review.

Do not forget to mention the author’s name and the title of the essay when you summarize an essay. This is also one of the most spread mistakes while essay summarizing.

Hope, our advices will help you while summarizing essays.